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What's coming up at Manchester Digital at a glance - November 2023

New Updates | November 2023

Below you'll find: 

  • Ways to meet other members
  • Ways you can share your insights with the community
  • How to get the most out of your hiring process.
  • Everything else that's going on!

Meet the Community:

Launch Event: Startup Review 

Thu, 7 Dec 2023 | 12:15 - 15:00 GMT | No1 Circle Square

Join us for the inaugural launch of our Startup Review and understand what the last couple of turbulent years have meant for our startup businesses. 

Despite a challenging environment for starting and growing a business we have seen some real success stories and the region has an ever expanding range of assets that can help businesses to grow. 

This event will highlight some of the organisations doing great things to help startups, look at where there are gaps and come up with a plan to fill them! 

Manchester Digital will also be launching their new Startup Activator.

Book now.

MD Tech Leader Talks

Thu, 9 Nov 2023 | 17:00 - 19:00 | Manchester Technology Centre

Manchester Digital's Senior Tech Leader Talks offers the opportunity for senior leaders in large-scale digital and tech businesses here in the North West to come together to network, share best practices and make new connections.

This event will be in the format of a networking event with complimentary drinks and canapés for attendees followed by a keynote presentation from a senior tech leader and Q and A.

Book now.

Digital Skills Festival 2024: Conference Day

Mon, 5 Feb 2024 | 13:00 - 18:15 | No1 Circle Square

Manchester Digital's Digital Skills Festival will be launched with our Conference Day, bringing together industry experts, thought leaders and key stakeholders from across the sector for an afternoon of panels, talks and networking opportunities as we discuss some of the key challenges and trends impacting the industry.

Book now.

Digital Skills Festival 2024: Digital Apprenticeships Day (For Businesses)

Tue, 6 Feb 2024 14:00 - 16:00 | No1 Circle Square 

Offering apprenticeships provides amazing benefits for your organisation and the sector at large, but starting that process can sometimes feel daunting.

This afternoon session is designed to help employers explore their options and hear from organisations who can share their insights and wisdom around employing digital apprentices.

Connect with other businesses who share your values, ask your most pressing questions and get inspired by empowering & employing the next generation of tech talent.

Book now.

Digital Skills Festival 2024: Digital Her Day

Thu, 8 Feb 2024 13:00 - 18:30 | No1 Circle Square

Our Digital Her programme takes the spotlight on the Thursday of the Digital Skills Festival 2024, featuring inspiring talks, workshops & panels for women in tech.

These include keynotes & panel discussions led by industry leaders, lightning talks by members our community of Role Models, training sessions, conversation cafes & the creation of a Digital Her Pledge for a more equitable future.

Book now.

November events roundup

Here is the latest roundup of events, posted by members on the Manchester Digital events calendar.

November is looking to be a busy month of events. Below, you'll find in-person events, online events and events that are out of town.

If you have are hosting an event and you want to include it in this list, please get in touch:

Events coming up in November 

Share your insights with the community

MD Voices - share your voice and expertise on our website and community channels.

Are you at the forefront of trends and insight that members will find useful?Are you doing a campaign at the moment that you feel is interesting to others or have you recently solved a problem that you think other people might find insightful? 

We can work on tailored content together. 

We're looking to curate more content that gives members an opportunity to share their voice. 

Like these:

Contact for more details. 

Can you help Startups? We’re looking for partners. 

The Startup Activator will give businesses an unbiased and unvarnished view of the Startup landscape and an introduction to all the programmes, investment and support that is on offer across the Greater Manchester region. 

After attending our workshops and meeting our experts, founders will be able to spot good advisers from bad, find the right accelerator for their business and find the right investor match. 

We are looking for 4 partners to support this programme and help us deliver 12 months of valuable information and insight to the next generation of tech businesses and make sure that Greater Manchester continues to grow great businesses.

Contact to discuss

Sponsorship pack

Digital Her - Can you inspire more women into tech?

Digital Her’s mission is to help end gender inequality in the technology sector. 

Check out the Sponsorship packs below for how you can get involved in our initatives.

Sponsorship Packs 

Get the most out of your hiring process

Are you currently hiring?

Let us know. We can... 

  • Provide feature ads for your jobs at no extra cost. 
  • Help provide content to help with your employer branding. 
  • Got lots of jobs and want to remove the Admin? We have an API! 

Each Tuesday, the jobs board round-up is shared on our social media channels and groups from the Manchester Digital jobs board to let job seekers discover new roles. 

Learn from leading conversations shaping the future of skills and talent in the region

Conference Day 2023. 

The Digital Skills Festival Conference coming up in February is where we announce results from the skills audit to a room of tech employers, policy makers, government and others all attending to inform their recruitment strategy.

We'll be identifying new or emerging trends as well as key issues that the industry faces and skill sets and job roles of growing importance.

If you're interested in a conversation about sponsorship of the event, get in touch. It will be a great opportunity to expose a lot of those in attendance to your expertise, whilst also having an input into the discussions on the day.

You can contact us directly:

Manchester Digital Apprenticeship Academy

Did you know…..Manchester Digital is an ESFA approved independent training provider for high level digital apprenticeships

  • Software Development
  • Business Analysis
  • Data Analysis

We deliver flexible online quality apprenticeship training for our members, whether you want to up-skill an existing employee or hire new diverse talent into the business. We provide a free recruitment support service for this too. AND if you’re an SME, we can help you to secure funding to cover the apprenticeship training costs with us.

We have a few places left on our upcoming programme cohorts for December in:

  • Software Development
  • Business Analysis 

Ready to recruit, join the programme or just want to know more? Speak to our Head of Talent and Skills now: 

Digital Skills Festival 2024: Talent Day

Talent Day is an event for businesses who are hiring early career in the next 1 - 2 years and want to get in front of graduates, job switchers and more. 

An event for members who want to have more conversations with eager job seekers in a single afternoon than you would advertising online and who understand the need to build their talent pipeline early. 

Our last Talent Day attracted over 1800 signups and was the biggest careers fair in the North West. If you’d like to exhibit at this year's talent day, check out the information below.

Find more information here

Sponsorship Opportunities 

We have multiple sponsorship opportunities at the upcoming Digital Skills Festival (Feb 2024), a perfect awareness opportunity if you are looking to either:

  • Be a part of leading conversations shaping the future of skills and talent in the region at the Conference Day. (Mon, 5th Feb, 2024)
  • Access aspiring apprentices on National Apprenticeships day. (Tues, 6th Feb, 2024)
  • Build your future talent pipeline at Talent Day, the biggest careers fair in the North West, UK. (Wed, 7th Feb, 2024)
  • Champion diversity in tech on Digital Her Day. (Thurs, 8th Feb, 2024)
  • Help tech professionals level up by supporting a professional development day designed to upskill members existing workforce. (Fri, 9th Feb, 2024)

The Digital Skills Festival is one of the most important large-scale events for the tech industry, and has been running for more than a decade. This week-long festival brings together the whole ecosystem, connecting students, graduates and career changers with the region’s leading and most exciting tech businesses whilst facilitating discussions that help shape the future of skills and talent in the region. 

Check out our Sponsorship Packs

New Offers for Members

We can now support your international growth.

We’re excited to announce that we can help support members make the most of the global opportunities available to them. If you’re looking at international growth, market expansion, cost savings, regulatory compliance, or generally interested in overseas markets, then let me know. 

This is enabled by an affiliation partnership with Santander’s Navigator platform and as Manchester Digital members, you will get free access to the ‘Prepare’ subscription package on Santander Navigator, a saving of £1,800 on the standard cost for this level of subscription.

Read more about it here. 

Visiting London soon?

As a member, you can now gain access to discounted membership at The Home Grown Club for those visiting London - Access their exclusive member only events, Community, Facilities inc 35 bedrooms, meeting rooms, lounge, bar, terrace, event space and more.

Perfect for when visiting large conferences like the London Tech week and needing a space to check in with work. 

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